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The World's First Flat Wine Bottle.

May 6, 2024

The World's First Flat Wine Bottle.

Garçon Wines developed a flat bottle in 2016 to solve a common problem: allowing a bottle of wine to pass through a standard UK postal slot to avoid missed deliveries, common when shipping wine. The idea proved so innovative that it received the Diamond Finalist Award at the 2018 Awards for Packaging Innovation, organized by the Dow Chemical Company.

The flat bottle, made from 100% post-consumer recycled PET, offers several benefits, including reduced shipping weight and cost, elimination of the risk of breakage during transport, and a more environmentally friendly packaging solution than conventional plastic or glass. Failed deliveries cost the UK e-commerce industry almost $1 billion every year, as well as 900,000 kilograms of carbon emissions due to the re-shipment or collection of undelivered parcels.

Thanks to this innovation, Garçon Wines plans to extend its market to spirits and other countries.

If you're interested in producing wine, you can trust the experts at Newmapak to help you.

Source: Food and Wine

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