The distribution and spinning monoblock is a compact capsule application machine complete with:
- horizontal or long autonomy capsule magazine that can be loaded from the bottom.
- mechanical pre-extraction of the capsules before expulsion into the bell.
- automatic capsule distribution with single or multi-bell elliptical oscillating movement to transport the capsules from the magazine to the bottle guaranteeing precise and reliable positioning.
- single-head models for throughputs up to 9,000 bph or multi-head models for throughputs up to 21,000 bph.
- centering of the bottleneck to keep the bottle perfectly aligned and stable during the positioning of the capsule.
- rotary spinning turret fitted with the new generation Robino & Galandrino heads (international patent).
- centralized control panel with variable speed inverter and PLC.
- safety guards in compliance with the CE- standards.
- air consumption (at 6 bar) 2.5 liters/sec.for all models.
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